Reign of the Earth

Whats up just a quick check in.  I finished the Persephone trilogy by Kaitlin Bevis. I liked it, but it wasn't super wow and amazing. I wanted a bit more romance if I'm being honest, and then there was the whole problem with some of the characters being really similiar. It wasn't bad though and while I won't reread it ever I don't regret reading it the first time. The next book I will be reading is Reign of the Earth by A. C. Gaughen. I have had this book on my shelf since it came out, and I recently went to a signing by the author. Well actually my mother went to the signing for me because I was scheduled to work that day, but from what she said the author was very cool. The book is about two kingdoms one that controls the elements and another that cannot who have always been hating each other. The elemental princess agrees to marry the prince of the other country in order to get peace. However, her husband ins't as honest she believed he would be. Or at least that is what I got from the summary on goodreads, feel free to check it out yourself because I am not the best at summarizing. So yeah that is what is going on with me right now, have a great day, and I will get back to you guys with either a book haul or reading update soon. P.s. I purchased Queen of the Tearling and Stranger Than Fanfiction yesterday on sale on kindle hype :) I have no idea what Stranger Than Fanfiction is about, and only a vague idea on Queen of the Tearling, but hopefully I will be able to dive into those soon.


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