June 14th BookHaul!

Greetings fellow bibliophiles, I do believe I have discovered a curse. Every time I say what book I am currently reading on goodreads I either do not finish it because I start other books or I take forever to read it. This theory requires further testing, and I will update you as I discover if my hypothesis is true. In other news I finished Marked by Jenny Martin yesterday. I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars, but honestly I probably should have gone with 3, and I might change it. One of the reasons for this possible rating change is that after thinking about it more it seems that the characters didn't progress fluidly. They seemed to jump from one state of being to another with no real reason or realistic time required for these changes to happen. However, I could be wrong because it has been about two years since I read the first book in this duology, Tracked, and I have probably forgotten some stuff. More importantly I also did a book haul yesterday. The total came out to be around 150 dollars between going to Barnes and Noble and Half Priced Books. My Half Priced Books haul was mainly Anthropology books because that is my field of study. For those of you who are not aware, Anthropology is the study of humans. It has four main branches which are linguistics, cultural, archaeology, and physical. I study physical anthropology, and hope to focus on Paleoanthropology or hominin evolution. Now that you know what Anthropology means and I have told you a little about myself lets get on to the book haul. From Barnes and Noble I purchased Vicious by Victoria Schawb, Geekerella by Ashley Poston, and The Princess Saves Herself in this One by Amanda Lovelace. At Half Price Books I purchased Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes by Svante Paabo, The Neanderthal Enigma: Solving the Mystery of Modern Human Origins by James Shreeve, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond, Dinosaurs: The Most Complete, Up-to-Date Encyclopedia for Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages by Dr. Thomas R. Holtz, Jr (yes I know dinosaurs are paleontology not anthropology), Dinosaurs by Carl Mehling, Gorilla in the Mist by Dian Fossey, Primate Communities by John G. Fleagle, Charles Janson, and Kaye E. Reed, Primeval Kinship by Bernard Chapais, Evolution a Graphic Guide by Dylan Evans and Howard Selina (sorry I can't find this one on goodreads), and finally Evolution in Minutes: The origins and story of life explained and illustrated by Darren Naish. Out of all these books I have started to read Vicious, but I probably will not be continuing it right now. It is not because I do not love it, because I am only 70 pages in and think it is absolutely amazing, but I am simply not in the mood to read a book as dark as this one. I will pick it up again, but probably on a nice rainy day where all I want to do is stay in bead. Wow this was a long post, my longest one yet I believe, but that is all for today peace out guys have fun reading.


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