I Feel Emotional

So guys it has been a hot minute since I made a new post, but I have read sooo many books, seven and a half to be specific. I finished Royally Bad by Nora Flite, and holy crap was it bad. I do not reccomend this book. Not at all. The story was bad, the relationship unrealistic, the characters shallow, and overall just some cheap romance. Next thing I read was Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. I really enjoyed this book, and I read it in preparation for the movie that will be released later this year. I don't really have much to say on this book. I can't think of anything super bad I didn't like and I can't think about anything I really liked either. I would recommend to give it a read though. Mainly because books are always better than the movie. Finally the best books I have read in a while. The books that made me super emotional. I read the Air Awakens series by Elise Kova. The series consists of five books all of which are magical. I don't cry a lot when I read books,  I can only really think of two instances (Where the Red Fern Grows and Gregor and the Code of the Claw), but this book came super close to bringing me to tears. I read the first three books in one day, and while this probably didn't leave much time for critical reading I could not get enough of this story. I read the next two books the next day and was enamored the entire time. I loved the characters and their progression throughout the story, I loved the story itself, and the world of politics built within the world. I do not often do Spoiler reviews for books, but I will probably do one for the Air Awakens series in a different book. Currently I am reading Smoke in the Sun, and will hopefully finish that today. So far I am going with a four out of five. Also I am not sure if I have said this in other posts, but if you ever want to talk about the books I write about or discuss them then feel free to email me or comment on the post; I am always down to book talk. #DtBT Peace out have fun reading.


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