I haven't posted in so long. I am so sorry forgive me friends. Here is an update. I do not remember what I last said I read, but I finished Smoke in the Sun if I never said that. I feel like I did though. Oh well too lazy to check. I am currently reading the third book in The Darkest Drae Trilogy, and I got some new books. I will haul those in a different post later. It was that many; I got four from BookOutlet, in much better condition than the books I got last time from there, and my mom got me two books when she went to Portland, Maine. Apparently Steven King lives there. I did not know that. After I finish the book I am currently reading I am either going to read Also Known As, which I will talk about in my book haul, Blood and Sand, or Defiant which is the sequal to Valiant. I don't know why, but I am kind of in the mood to read books with fight scenes. Before I leave you all to read, if I ever go a long time without posting again feel free to watch my progress on GoodReads. I will usually be updating what books I am reading there even if I am not doing it on my blog. Also feel free to add me.
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